
Meet Levi the Akita Cross

Levi's owners contacted us to help him with his reactivity. Levi was mainly struggling with visitors to his home, but would also occasionally react to people on walks.


During his assessment, it was found that the most likely cause of his reactions was due to frustration and him not seeing value in the person. This would mean Levi would react to move them away to increase his safe space around him.

Treatment plan

To help Levi we introduced some disengagement and frustration work. We also introduced our good watch protocol to help him learn about a person, without needing to approach them.


Levi has done really well with his behavioural work. He has managed to have visitors to his home and remain cool and collected. Levi has also reduced the majority of his reactions on his walks, now passing people with objects such as umbrellas! Levi has worked amazingly with his owners as a joint team and he continues to expand his learning.

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Forrest Animal Behaviour