Does at one fit’s all approach work for pets?

Imagine going to your doctors for three different medical problems and each time you get given a blue pill to resolve your issue with no medical assessment.

The first time you take the pill, it has no affect. The second time you take it, it works brilliantly within one day. The third time you take it, your symptoms worsen. Therefore, that pill was only effective for the second illness presentation. This is because it either didn’t work or had detrimental effects for the other two illnesses. However, doesn’t mean that the medication is the problem, it means it was only useful when applied to the correct medical condition.

The same can be said for behaviour problems. There can be many ways to treat and manage a behavioural concern, however they need to tailored to your resources, the animal and the emotions involved. Giving the same advice to different clients will help some but not others.

Therefore, one fits all approach does not work to help everyone!

This is why the initial consultation for behavioural problems is so important. It gives us the opportunity to diagnose the emotions involved, understand the needs of your companion and goals to reach. We can then choose the right adaptions specific to you and your companion. Thus, we work on a tailored approach to help every pet and owner who come to us, not just the select few that it ‘might’ help.

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Forrest Animal Behaviour