Unfortunately, behaviour changes are not quick to resolve, they take time and patience. Often these behaviours have emotions, motivations and reinforcers attached to the presentation of the behaviour. They can take months or years to get to the end result.
It doesn’t necessary mean you need support for the full time, I will be giving you the skills to manage and help adapt the behaviour. So, once you feel happy you have all the skills, you and your pet can continue your new journey together. However, I am only a phone call or email away if you need me!
It is like changing a habit which you do most days. For example, if I told you not to drink tea or coffee and only drink water instead, it takes motivation, emotional support and importantly other rewards to commit to this behaviour change. When we do the same for our pets and ask for these behavioural changes, it takes motivation, emotional support and importantly other rewards from you, for your companion to accept this change in routine.
But don’t worry though, we can help support you throughout the process and work at a pace which your companion can cope and adapt to these changes. Together you can do it!