Pet Posts

How much does dog breed or genetics matter?

Breeds are important to behaviour as dogs have been bred over hundreds of years to specialise in wanted behaviours for human benefits. For example: Gun Dogs - Used for hunting or sport (Labradors, Spaniels, Retrievers). Have high prey and scent interests and high physical drive, thriving highly on human team work. Toy Dogs - Used…
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How can pheromones help my pet?

Pheromones can work wonders when used in combination with a well-designed behaviour modification plan. However, when used alone they might have limited affects for your pet. If your cat is urinating in the house or your dog is scared of noises, pheromones can help to make the environment feel more secure, however they do not…
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What is a true settle behaviour?

This are where we teach dogs to not only to lie in a designed area, but also relax and even sleep when requested! This often means using a mat as a designated area (which can then be transported to any location) and chews or food to help assist your pet into calm behaviours, followed by…
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Its ok to pay big wages!

Its ok to pay BIG wages! Think of your food or toys that you give your dog as their wages. Sometimes it's ok to give a bonus as it will help improve engagement for your dog! For example: If your dog gives you a simple easy recall with no distractions, you can give the normal…
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Cooperative Care for Pets

Cooperative care is about choices for your pet. The choice for them to choose to participate for rewards, thus reducing the stress of the veterinary examination. It is not always possible to use these skills in every situation as during emergencies, choice might not be possible. However, if you dog has experienced these actions at…
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How much training should I do?

For this answer it depends on you and your available times. We design all treatment plans around your pet, you and your family. If you can only do 5 mins, then your plan will be designed for 5 mins. If you can do 1 hour, we will plan for 1 hour.  Any training time will…
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Let dogs Sniff!

For dogs, sniffing is an important aspect of being allowed to be a dog! Taking a few extra minutes on a walk to allow them to take in the scents and smells can help to relax and tire your dog. This can actually mean you physically walk less, but allow them more mental interactions with…
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Why we use Positive Reinforcement and why you should too!

Here at Forrest Animal Behaviour, we use methods that are science based and ethical to your pet. This means we do not use aversive methods which cause physical or perceived pain or fear. We use training which is focused on maintaining the human-animal bond via, positive reinforcement, changing associations, environmental management and increasing communication. By…
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What is behavioural Flooding?

This is where your pet might display "better" behaviour when exposed to more than one fear at once or after the fear is at a certain distance from them. However, this is not a "better" behaviour but actually a type of shut down response. For example, if you’re scared of spiders and one enters the…
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Forrest Animal Behaviour