Category Archives: Pet care

Puppy Blues

What are the puppy blues? Puppy blues refers to an emotional state of feeling overwhelmed, sadness, anxiety, or regret after bringing home a new dog. Before bringing your new dog home, you may have felt anticipation and formed an idea in your mind of how it would be - long walks, games of fetch, and…
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Why Do Dogs Growl?

There can be many reasons such as: Fear Pain Social play Toy Play Frustration What it does NOT mean: They are the boss They are naughty They are grumpy They are dominant What is important to know, is that is part of a dog's normal communication. Therefore it must be listened to, especially if due…
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Help, My dog eats poo!

Your not alone! Coprophagia (eatting of feaces) affects up to 23% of the dog population. This can be from farm animal feaces, their own feaces or other household animal feaces. This is not only is it an unpleasant habit for you to have to deal with, but it can increase the spread of infectious diseases…
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Is Your House Cat Friendly?

Did you know that cats' resources such as their litter tray, water bowls, resting areas and food bowls should all be in separate locations in the house? Often as owners, we like to place all the cat 'things' all together in one place within the house. This can mean that the litter trays are near…
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Why we recommend fixed leads…

Reasons why we recommend you use fixed leads for your dog: They stay the same length during the walk This means the lead is predictable length, thus your dog can learn loose lead work faster. Therfore if teaching loose lead walking, if they know where the boundaries are and the pulling will reduce. They wont…
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Scent Glands and Cats!

Scent glands are important to cats for communication and self comfort. The scent given from each scent gland on a cat is individual to them, providing them with self-identification. This is important to each cat and within their family units. Family units will mix scents within the surrounding area and on each other via allogrooming.…
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What does my dog’s tail wag mean?

Did you know that the direction of a tail wag can indicate the feelings of your dog? A tail wag more to the right is an indication of happiness and relaxation. A tail wag more to the left is an indication of uncertainty or even fear. But why does this happen? This has been shown…
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Can you teach an old dog new tricks?

YES YOU CAN! It doesn’t matter how old or how long your companion has performed a behaviour or not performed a behaviour, learning can happen at any age! Yes, it might take longer, yes the route you use might need adapting to suit other medical needs, but the outcome can be just as good as…
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Should I walk my dog every day?

Did you know, that it is ok to not walk every day! Part of being a dog owner is setting expectations for your dogs. This means it is actually unrealistic to walk your dog every day for the whole of their life. Following medical procedures for you or your dog, could mean restricted exercise regime.…
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Yellow Dogs!

Do you see Yellow dogs? or do you have a Yellow dog? Dogs wearing Yellow means that they need space from you or your dog. Yellow can be seen with their: Leads Harnesses Jackets These dogs might need space due to: Medical issues   Recovering from surgery In season Unable to cope with close contact…
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Forrest Animal Behaviour