Category Archives: Pet care

What’s better for my cat? Laser toys or conventional toys?

To answer this question, we have to look at the feline play-hunt sequence. When cats play, the behaviours they display are similar to hunting behaviours. Therefore, it is believed that when in play, it is actually perceived by the cat, as a hunting opportunity with a chance of food. During play and hunting, cats follow…
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Are your expectations for your pet too high?

As pet owners, we often have high expectations of our pets. We could ask our pets to perform a task and we expect them to do it the exact same every time. Can I ask... when you go to work each day, your boss expects you to do the same work. Does your performance outcome…
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How does the weather affect my pet?

Maybe its rainy and your cat is grumpy? Maybe its windy and your dog is hyper? When temperatures get cold your pets routine might be change. This is especially important for our feline companions, who might be spending more time inside the house. For both dogs and cats, weather can be an direct or indirect…
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All behaviours have emotions!

All behaviours have emotions behind the physical actions displayed: These emotions can be: Fear Frustration Desire Lust Panic/Grief Care Hate Play Pain If you only look to stop a behaviour, it can act as a band-aid to temporarily stop an unwanted behaviour. However, the emotion driving the behaviour remains unsolved. This can then lead to…
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How much does dog breed or genetics matter?

Breeds are important to behaviour as dogs have been bred over hundreds of years to specialise in wanted behaviours for human benefits. For example: Gun Dogs - Used for hunting or sport (Labradors, Spaniels, Retrievers). Have high prey and scent interests and high physical drive, thriving highly on human team work. Toy Dogs - Used…
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Let dogs Sniff!

For dogs, sniffing is an important aspect of being allowed to be a dog! Taking a few extra minutes on a walk to allow them to take in the scents and smells can help to relax and tire your dog. This can actually mean you physically walk less, but allow them more mental interactions with…
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Forrest Animal Behaviour